Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Man- Woman

Though some may tell you men and women

Are the same, just look around and see

No they're not, they're different

Different as they could be,

God created man to be loving and caring

Though not bent to details, you see

Women, even to be more loving and caring

Yet, lots more sensitive, let her be,

Science has discovered, men think with the right side

Of they're brain and reason with the same

Women think with the left, they have different

Thought patterns, even, a different aim,

So don't ever try to tell me that men

And women are alike, that they're the same

I know that God created man first

Then woman, to rid man's lonely pain,

The woman to be man's partner

Loving companion, helpmate, friend

His design was for man, to love her

And take care of her, until her life shall end,

So don't think this world is smarter

By changing the order of God, I say

It just leads to constant trouble

And confusion , day by day.

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